
Thursday, August 24, 2006


Sideways made me believe that i am still capable of mush.

and i appreciate and welcome the thought [contrary to a previous post].

fifth time i've seen the fucking movie, never fails to impress. the writing. and the jazz score. and paul giamatti.

and the ending. ambiguous it may seem, but it has hope.

first time i saw it, has pinot noirs written all over. there is difficulty in the beginning. the cultivation falls short. an acquaintance flops the film. his inclination to put Blade 3 into a must-see list elevated the desire. but i'd rather wait.

hbo was bomb. not until they decide to rerun movies on a constant basis that we decide that we'll have to cancel the subscription. but yeah. thank God, anyhow.


and, oh. i still haven't seen Blade 3.

latest musing of Etchie at 00:51


Blogger joes said...

saw sideways just recently too. not that bad. made me wanna learn more about wine.

8:47 AM  

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