
Monday, August 21, 2006

what the * bleep *?

yey. a post a week.

somehow there's an improvement. besides, there's nothing much to write. the series of vignettes i was thinking lately had gradually disintegrated along with a planned short story about the manila earthquake of 1968. yep. limited research resources perpetuated the decline [googled twice, but ended up with two unhelpful links---except for a washed-out photograph of the collapsed structure].

(if someone could point out to me the exact location of the ruby tower, and, if i may prod, the events thereafter, i could very well start putting the pen into it. hehe. tough luck, i know).

anyway, the eventual fall of my babbling could be a result of the result of my inability to preclude myself from spilling out details. in other words, i'm beginning to exercise one would call personal censorship. it's not that the state is after me or something, nor my posts could generate an uproar---though sometimes i'd like to see argumentative responses---it stimulate brain cells, trust me. or some crazy phallus-centric moron would inadvertently (and premeditatedly) eradicate what i've written just because he wanted to [he'd probably say the entire blog is hogwash and only sensible entries are allowed, to which i'd agree with him wholeheartedly], i don't fucking care.

i'll stop. i've written much. well, whaddyaknow? i almost filled up a whole bloody page, eh? my apologies. caffeine had gotten the rest of me.

i'll stop. i still have work to do.

latest musing of Etchie at 10:50


Blogger The Light Traveller said...

try wikipedia. they might have something about the ruby towers.

11:49 AM  

Blogger Etchie said...

i did, but nothing came up.

i don't know if it was a major thing to be included there. anyway, i might junk the whole idea and think of how to end the story i wrote about ninoy aquino's assassination, hehe.

besides, mas relevant yun kasi aquino day ngayon, haha :-D

1:39 PM  

Blogger The Light Traveller said...

i think the ruby tower story is interesting. go for it....

2:05 PM  

Blogger Etchie said...

decided i might, but i won't use as much research as i intended.

would only go for the backdrop, though.

i'm presently working on the abstract.

thanks :-)

12:56 AM  

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