
Monday, August 21, 2006

dinner. mints. and a blog.

damn. i'm on a streak.

this is the first time in the history of my blogdom that i managed to scrimp three entries in a single day. the fourth one is forthcoming, well, up until i decide not to post this one...

anyway. finished dinner while waiting for sas, the kids and the mom-in-law to arrive. actually, it was lunch. i didn't eat this afternoon while lounging at the office [i might say that i was busy---but i think nobody would believe me]. sas brought me a tumbler-size serving of wonton soup and a large styrofoam heap of steamed rice she bought at a vietnamese resto. however, i made a point of grabbing something to munch on before i left for work this morning, and the willing victim of my gastronomical impulses turned out to be a philly-cheese steak hot pocket sandwich, granola bar and dr. pepper. to sum it up, i expected the sugar fix would be more than enough....

...enough to put me on a writing mode that i, myself, could not believe i was capable of doing. hehe. now, the streak is filling the mileage even the most fuel-efficient sedan wouldn't dare.

* * * * * * * * * *

i started on a friendster blog that most bloggers hate to admit that it sucks.

i do. and yes, it sucks alright. that's why i merely put a link that direct would-be voyeurs to this blog instead. yeah. the faux blog does exist and it's right there smack inside that bloody friendster site.

i won't be doing much updates on that journal. cross-blogging isn't what i'm ruminating right now. besides, No Smoking Joint would continue to puff and huff as long as i'm capable of plunking the keyboard.

* * * * * * * * * *

thank God for dinner mints.

it's the toothpick for dypepsia.

latest musing of Etchie at 18:35


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