
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

birds. in heaven.

last saturday, i tagged along a couple of pinoy photographers i met in a forum on a photoshoot in a wildlife sanctuary a few clicks outside Orlando. we've been planning this mini-get-together for sometime now, but for some reason, it kept on getting cancelled.

but not last saturday. with entirely everything of my photography equipment in tow (my camera, two lenses and a tripod, that is), the struggle to get a good shot was a consolation. i know of the hundred i took, a few came out good. less post-processing except for the usual dodge and burn thing, i could say that i've taken some passable shots.

a sample pic of a tri-colored heron (or whatever; guess i'd still have to consult with a bird expert here):

the whole gallery can be viewed by clicking here.

* * * * * * * * * *

a minute sad anecdote, though:

my lola died Sunday night in Manila. she was 85. i was one of her favorite apo, and i couldn't be there for her wake. she will be laid to rest on Saturday, September 2.

it's ironic that she died on my mom's birthday.

latest musing of Etchie at 15:42


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