
Thursday, October 29, 2009

something wicked this way comes.

for whatever reason, i did not notice that the graphic header of my blog suddenly disappeared. i assumed it was caused by a browser upgrade (really. that was the only thing that factored in, since i could not recall doing anything [except maybe for the permissions verification/repair, but that would not in anyway, cause a CSS error]).

as i grappled on the aftereffects of a nasty flu, i decidedly updated my Mac's internet browser to Safari 4, unaware of the quirks and bugs of what they call "Revision A" problems these new software releases and/or updates might be plagued with. however, upon checking my desktop Mac (which still has the old Safari installed)--and discovered the similar lack of header, i figured a resource error on the stylesheet itself.

i guess it would probably take me some time to fix it. for the meantime, i'll just let it be.

ah. well. tough luck.

anyway, i uploaded a halloween-themed image in Flickr but there is something weird in it, screaming to get out...

...you know, like a story trapped. waiting for the pen.

latest musing of Etchie at 17:02


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