
Saturday, September 13, 2008

rhythm of the rain

the sound of rain enhances one's creativity.

well, at least to me, that is.

there is something magical about rain. something about the continuous clatter of water on the roof. something that is inexplicably mind-numbing. something that, for no reason at all, hollers to the muses to come out.

i love watching the raindrops fall. it prompts the creative juices to flow like the stream of water that gushes forth from the rain gutter and into the soil it nourishes. 

i like the cacophony of thunder, the flicker of lightning amidst the unabetting downpour of heaven's lacrimation as if the world have been bestowed with bountiful charities of the deities above. 

it is that Cascadian beat (pun intended) of pitter-patterings, the melodic clack-clacks on the glass windows, that gives rain a sort of mystical label. 

latest musing of Etchie at 23:17


Blogger Julie Rio said...

living in Dubai, wherein we are deprived of RAIN, always dream about it...alwaaaaaaaayyys!!

3:55 AM  

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