
Thursday, September 04, 2008


everytime Hannah Montana's dad hands her his trademark concoction, loco hot cocoa, it gives his daughter bouts of chocolate-induced nightmares---ranging from maternal hallucinations (which, somehow, vaguely explains the Stewart family's lack of a mother figure) to a reversal of popularity (with Jackson assuming the equally-doubled-life of Bucky Kentucky). 

with Brianne, i concocted a similar nocturnal beverage, which eventually became a daily part of her nighttime routine. Daddy's Hot Cocoa, she said, well dropping the loco thing, but it's relatively the same---sans whipped cream and a Champola-like chocolate wafer sticking out of the ceramic mug. the secret ingredient, i'll spill, is the personal touch---something that Daddies all over the world magically transform the common into a whiff of extraordinary. 

note: click on the image to open lightbox, then use the left/right arrow keys to navigate through. or you can easily click on a Next or Prev icon on the top left/right of the image as well. it's a tricky bugger, but you'll get used to it. 

second note: you can add up chunks of marshmallow on the hot chocolate if you want to....

latest musing of Etchie at 21:26


Blogger yvette said...


6:18 PM  

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