
Tuesday, August 12, 2008


today is Sas' birthday.

almost a week ago was mine. and it somehow made me think that in 359 days I'll be crossing the realm of the 30. in any case I'll be old.


and another more year, and it'll be the last before my age get bumped out of the calendar.

well, at least it would still be on the Lotto.

latest musing of Etchie at 19:18


Blogger Rommel said...

At least you still have a year before you turn 30. I have less than a week. :)

And if your age gets bumped out of the lotto, there's still the periodic table of elements.

2:35 PM  

Blogger Etchie said...


I'll cherish the 12 months that I'm 29.

Periodic Table of Elements? Well, I don't think I will even reach the atomic number of Uranium...

3:33 PM  

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