
Friday, November 07, 2008


recently, i got a set of 52mm close-up filters as an alternative for macro lens. i haven't shot macro before, well, except for a futile attempt that ended up not exactly the way i intended it to be.  

the close-up filters, as i said, are a cheaper option than those three-hundred-buck 60mm or 100mm lenses used for photomicrography. however i shoot RAW and cropping the images for internet compatibility, i still find the quality of the filters at some point, could be a wee bit below equal than that if you're shooting with a macro lens. 

although the images taken were not the usual macro subjects (insects, flowers, etc), particularly because i could not find one at that moment and the lighting condition would have prevented me from doing so, as well. 

note: click on the image to open lightbox. use arrow keys to scroll through. or the Prev/Next button on either left or right will leaf through the pages. crazy bugger, i know, even putting it up kind of annoyed me. but it's vanity blogified. hehe. 

latest musing of Etchie at 00:52


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