
Saturday, May 30, 2009

magic act

there is this nagging feeling to gloat over the Orlando Magic's victory against the heavily-favored, media-hyped, and overpraised greatness of LeBron James (well, he is that great, and yeah, sometimes it becomes increasingly unnerving to hear the incessant remarks at ESPN saying we all are witnesses---heck, we know and it doesn't help a bit if it is kept on shoving up our frenzied heads) and the Cleveland Cavaliers. 

for one thing, because, it meant that the underdog Magic will advance to the NBA Finals against the heavily-favored, media-hyped and overpraised greatness of Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers. 

and it sent the other half of that constantly-running-that-it-became-constantly-annoying Nike TV Ad for a long and uncertain summer. LeBron might be packing his bags and head off to New York for greener pasteurs and, ultimately, to the highly-coveted NBA championship that slipped off his hands for the third consecutive time. 

and secondly, to my friend over at The Indifference Engine... pre, tapos na. bawi na lang next year. hehe. 

(photo courtesy of Orlando Sentinel)

Bring in the Lakers! 

latest musing of Etchie at 23:57


Blogger Rommel said...

Haha. Only read this today.

Yeah, bring on the Lakers. I'll be rooting for the Magic... for now, at least.

12:46 PM  

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