
Friday, February 16, 2007

rubber soul

the news is grim. far too grim: actor Richard Gomez is running for a senatorial seat.

and i have one thing in mind: God help us.

i bet he doesn't know to spell the word Constitution. nor even know what a preamble is.

i read once that he claimed never read books.

(Abe Lincoln possibly had the unfortunate fate to be uneducated---but, at least, he supplemented his knowledge by devouring literature)

he maybe popular, but he is not the kind you'd want to create laws nor to approve them. he's winnable, yes. but winning isn't about everything. politics is the playground of leadership.

i guess i wouldn't be this censorious if we know that his political background started with a lowly barangay chairmanship (erap fared better, i think, his ladder to presidency is somehow justified). i'd probably forgive him if such a surreal reason ever transpires, but i'd still vomit in his face if given the opportunity.

then i cringed at the fact that he once dreamt of going for the gubernatorial race in Bulacan (i'm a Bulakeno, so that explains it)---primarily for the reason that his folks are/were Bulakenos.

oh well. it only cemented the reality that politics is the new showbiz today. it maybe lucrative, but it is still dirty, and it'll smear you like that cesspool in a sewer.

sigh. it's unavoidably bad. to think that all this madness is gradually creeping up before our very eyes and into the innards of our country's political scene. i have to be every bit patriotic, but in all sense, is just a wasted truth.

. . .

maybe i'll start working on a mcdonald's (no offense to those working the crew, it's pretty much a decent job than those pulling the shit off the pork barrels). they say serving burgers make you a better politician someday...


latest musing of Etchie at 13:02 0 comments

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

portrait trial

okay. so i managed to try out portrait photography. and the unwilling subject (with much coercion) turned out to be the almighty wifey.

uh. this was accidental, to say the least. i was trying out the SB800 Speedlght flash unit the wifey gave me for christmas. if i remember correctly, this was taken in early january, but i was so fucked up that i didn't bother to post-process them until this morning---complement that with the previous breakdown of my computer with the installed Photoshop.

forgive me if i made noticeable quirks in the post-processing method. frankly, i was working without a specific workflow in mind except the usual dodge and burn thing as well as trial-and-error experimentation with the adjustment panel of the software. what i only did was fix it according to how i perceived it.

in that case, comments are important. fire away.

latest musing of Etchie at 12:31 0 comments

My Photo
Location: Orlando, Florida

Eccentric. Frivolous. Flexible. Tempestuous. Hyperactive. Thinker. Wanderer. Couch Potato. Lethargic. Insensitive. Repressive. Vain.

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