
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

portrait trial

okay. so i managed to try out portrait photography. and the unwilling subject (with much coercion) turned out to be the almighty wifey.

uh. this was accidental, to say the least. i was trying out the SB800 Speedlght flash unit the wifey gave me for christmas. if i remember correctly, this was taken in early january, but i was so fucked up that i didn't bother to post-process them until this morning---complement that with the previous breakdown of my computer with the installed Photoshop.

forgive me if i made noticeable quirks in the post-processing method. frankly, i was working without a specific workflow in mind except the usual dodge and burn thing as well as trial-and-error experimentation with the adjustment panel of the software. what i only did was fix it according to how i perceived it.

in that case, comments are important. fire away.

latest musing of Etchie at 12:31


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