
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

somewhere man

somewhere in jacksonville, florida.

second day of my training for a position i'll be in when i get back to Tampa.

clocking a little below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. airconditioning blowing low heat and my toes are numb. will be preparing for "work" in a few minutes- - -after coffee and all that.

good thing, though, they have unlimited internet access here in the hotel where i'm staying. scrimped a post.

will walk a few hundred meters in freezing temp. that's the price i have to pay...

latest musing of Etchie at 08:44 0 comments

Saturday, December 10, 2005


after a month in Manila, i'm back where i'm supposed to be: here.

we flew back to Tampa a week ago, leaving the kids behind (my folks would bring them when they fly here 6 months from now). yeah, yeah, some would probably wonder why i haven't posted anything in my short stay in-country, and the answer to that would be: i tried...and blame the computer (and the snail-pace plodding of a dial-up internet connection for that matter) for whatever misfortune that contributed on my inability to blog. hehe.

Manila was fun. and it's too bad we only had to stay for a full month (counting the three-day extension i pleaded Sas to get us- - -and yes, many thanks to Cathay Pacific for waiving the weekend surcharge you nearly had us pay [we lucky suckers haha]). everybody knew we really wanted to stay for the holidays, and flying back was not easy for us (it'll take us a few more years before we can visit Manila again), but that's the way it had to be.

generally, it was great to be home even for a short period of time. apologies to those i haven't been able to meet- - -i'll be back in three or five years (i hope).

latest musing of Etchie at 14:33 0 comments

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Location: Orlando, Florida

Eccentric. Frivolous. Flexible. Tempestuous. Hyperactive. Thinker. Wanderer. Couch Potato. Lethargic. Insensitive. Repressive. Vain.

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