
Saturday, March 12, 2005


if a reversal of roles has to take place and a vacuum in the position is to be filled up, then this would be what i'd probably (and would like to) see in a job classified ad:

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Customer Service Representative I

aptly called the Teller, which by no means sound so derogatory. As euphemestically as it stings the auditory sense, the teller should, in anyway, perform these specific functions:

1. He/She should be able to do the work of the Manager;
2. He/She should tolerate the manager's laziness with utmost and extreme tolerance;
3. He/She should be able to obediently follow the Manager's orders without complain unless otherwise he/she are in for a verbal reprimand;
4. He/She should possess the knowledge that the Manager is infallible;
5. He/She should have a penchance for plants, flowers and anything in that category, like the Manager himself;
6. He/She should be able to adapt (and desensitize himself/herself) from a continuous barrage of the Manager's arrogance and know-it-all attitude;
7. He/She should be able to answer to the customer's complaints and grievances since the Manager would try to avoid such incidents whenever, and in anyway he could;
8. He/She should have the knowledge that when he/she decides to call it quits, the Manager would fabricate lies to ruin the reputation of the person;
9. He/She should be computer literate since the Manager is illiterate;
10. He/She should have a taste for peanuts and lemon, and;
11. He/She should be fit to fill in the position without any qualm and agree to the terms and requirements stated in this classified ad.

let this post be a caveat to those who wish applying for the position i'm currently stuck at.

latest musing of Etchie at 02:05


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