
Sunday, January 23, 2005


it is quite apparent that i have lost whatever touch i had way back.

perhaps one of the reasons why i haven't written a single thing since i came to florida 6 months ago. yes. the last time i wrote something was when i was still nursing my languid arse at the former workplace in manila- - -contemplating on an appropriate time to leave while my head prowled through a cornucopia of office peeves, digging through the rubbish for a perfect oasis to quench a thirst.

i don't know.

such mental collapse is inevitable. the malignancy of boredom that perpetuated a stagnation of brain juice. frozen solid. demands a massive defrost. shove my head in a microwave or something.

i tried reading the backlogs. unfinished missives that are screaming for a conclusion. stalled in someway. neglected.

lacking the confidence to start over again. learn how to write again. learn how to re-create. learn how to re-develop.

i'm losing the muses.


i can't even think of a proper title for this entry....

latest musing of Etchie at 00:55


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