
Monday, January 03, 2005

backlog chronicles

tried to read what i've written a year ago. some of 'em i've ended, some of them waiting for an appropriate closure. it seems that i have this unusual friction of ending stories- - -something that i believe is an innate quality- - -the difficulty of deciding a perfect conclusion. now, i'm counting four short stories and a planned screenplay. two are exorcised demons. one is a seductive muse who invaded my privacy amidst the influx of scholarship applications. and another is...uh...a flush in the toilet bowl.

so, there are my backlogs. kept away. locked in the vault of my harddrive.

waiting to be fished out. apparently, they lie there- - -unknowing, denied the suspense. declined what's due.

until my mind pisses me off and put the pen into my brain.

latest musing of Etchie at 21:09


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