
Monday, January 03, 2005


fixed the problem with the laptop last night. back in business. renewed life, i guess? albeit temporary. it might crash anytime.

harddrive's plagued by bad sectors. somebody told me it needs a system reformat. something i don't plan on doing since i haven't had the time to backup all my files. well, now that i've put the computer back on running, i'll definitely make a backup--either on a disc or an external hard drive.

tried a notebook window-shopping at several online stores. my vision of an apple ibook is slowly diminishing. setting my sights on a Sony Vaio VGN-S260 or the T models preferably. if i could get a nod on a financing application, will probably get it first thing my pay arrives.


just keep on dreaming, Etchie.

latest musing of Etchie at 01:02


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