
Monday, January 03, 2005

burn up excess

i'm getting fat.

it's one of those days that i would just stand up in front of the mirror and look.

now i've seen the worst of me. a certain chunk of vanity scraped. the flabs in tummy like an opaque jel-o (uh..did u say jel-o? or gelo? haha- - -see, dang? follow you anywhere). haha.

i know the reason: immersed in gallons of calories like most americans do. living in the vast land of hamburgers and pizza. of milkshakes and sodas.

searching for some kind of exercise. stretch my muscles and burn my fats.

( ! ) er...

naw. who says exercise anyway?

latest musing of Etchie at 11:25


Blogger budgirl said...

hahaha.. now you're worried. been bothered ur starting to look like papsie?!?

jel-o?? err.. gelo?? who's that?? (naks, effective!)

11:54 AM  

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