
Saturday, January 15, 2005

milking the cow

i want to write something in this blog. not just a two sentence paragraph that usually borders on some nonsense scrap of wisdom, but an active quip of my passive mental processes.

yeah. so i've noticed. i'm scribbling like ellroy. bits and pieces of phrases- - -a kindergarten on the first steps of learning, pushing his way through an abundance of the statutes of grammar. damn. living on expletives. a survival on vocabulary.

uh. ellroy has ten books in his belt. he has the right to change the structure of his prose. struggling in nonconformities.


i fucking stalled.

latest musing of Etchie at 22:20


Blogger joes said...

aspiring writer? hehehe... parejo pala tayo dre. buti na lang me mga weblogs no? we'd get some practice atleast. i've been reading chuck palahniuk books and the bastard inspired me in ways to come up with, atleast, transcripts of daily dealings. write more stuff here dude. me subscriber ka na.

1:14 AM  

Blogger Etchie said...

hehe. like i've said i'm a borderline exhibitionist...

...and, uh, an added weight to my vanity hehe :D

9:47 AM  

Blogger dodo dayao said...

Change the structure of your prose , fuck around with the language, unconform all you want, man. It's all valid and from what I read - - -works for me.

Being published doesn't make you a better (or worse) writer - - -although it makes a random few haughty windbags. Hehe. Being published only means you got paid for stringing them words together. Unlike us.

4:43 AM  

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