
Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Back from a Hiatus and a Question of Patriotism

I'm presently having a headache and I'm trying to post my first entry since I arrived here in Florida a month ago. My last entry wasduring the NBA Finals (two months back)--when I was still in Manila working my languid arse at a government-subsidized university to subsist my compulsion for books, dvds and a mouth to feed.

Now, I'm here in the United States, attempting to try my luck on anything these Americans are good at (a choice between independence and a big amount of money? I choose the latter). My wife left for her work a few hours back, and she'll be home tomorrow morning. She's a nurse, a profession that I think had gone as an export job--that as a wholesale guarantees a bargain price for the hospital hiring them, and a retail cost for the agency sending them. Patriotism aside, but we need money, right? This is a practical thing, a choice that nobody wants to choose, but still personal development is still critical than patriotic slavery.

I have a headache. Not because I neglected my country more than anything else, but because my migraine's starting to punch my head.

latest musing of Etchie at 22:37


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