
Thursday, June 10, 2004


Temper is a like a lit powder keg that could explode anytime. And like a conflict that could materialize into full-blown hostilities as soon as no diplomatic solution is attained. Patience is a large fraction of that diplomatic solution. It fills a kind of void that could save the entire complexion of whatever deplorable situation present, be it on a personal level or not.

I have managed to plug the vacuum that nearly pushed me to the limit of tolerance. Well, for a certain period of course. Everything has this emotional boundary that one has to keep himself/herself from `going beyond’. Chances are, you wouldn’t want to witness if fireworks explode. It could crush someone of his/her feet, drag their silly butts to the point of unaccepted apologies and perhaps, the reality of retribution.

latest musing of Etchie at 18:05


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