
Thursday, June 03, 2004

A Perversion of Choice

Choosing the perfect host for an online journal is a difficult thing to ponder. You have to consider plenty of factors before one can decide where to sign up and what to put. For instance, I have signed-up in one of blog-hosting sites that is in direct competition with this one (well, not necessarily direct, it merely gives the user the freedom to choose--a laissez-faire approach, to what many economics professors would claim).

Although it is not what constrained me to start another log with this host, but the fact that I also take note of the interface I'll be trying to work with. It may sound like an advocacy campaign to promote this host, nonetheless, it's just me. My choice is entirely mine, alone, and to which case, nobody can give a damn about it. I could maintain two online journals on two different hosts, so who cares? I can drop off the other one and continue the other, it won't matter anyway.

latest musing of Etchie at 14:54


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