Tuesday, August 07, 2007
"As the bomb fell over Hiroshima and exploded, we saw an entire city disappear. I wrote in my log the words: "My God, what have we done?" - Captain Robert Lewis. B-29 The Enola Gay, August 6, 1945yesterday was my birthday.
sixty-two years ago, a city on the island of honshu in japan was devastated by a powerful weapon known to man.
hiroshima temporarily ceased to exist. hirohito threw the towel. and the second world war saw the finality of hostilities aboard the Missouri. the atomic age started. the weapons race commenced. the Cold War froze.
my existence in this universe was brought not by splitting of atoms. but by a union of cells. thirty-four years later when peace was feigned, disguised by the political machinations of the West and the East. i was born because the a different "explosion" was detonated (as what Rommel jokingly coined as one). hehe.
now, i'm twenty-eight. and it pains me to think of the irony of history.
note: maybe one day, i'll get the chance to see hiroshima and nagasaki up close.
Labels: c'est la vie
Monday, August 06, 2007
28 years later...
let's get this day done and over with.
Labels: c'est la vie