
Saturday, May 05, 2007

bumhood redux

there is a thin line that exists between losing and quitting a job.

the culmination is basically the same, but the how of it is the one that matters.

the constant recurrence of premeditated bumming is a protracted outcome of both, to say the least. nonetheless, there is a degree of self-satisfaction present to those who quit. an inexplicable high. to inculcate the comfort of freedom versus the omnipresence of guilt and depression towards those who lost theirs.

so i made the freefall. aware of the lack of cushions that i should have prepared before the plunge.

technicalities precipitated the loss of contingencies. there were blames and misunderstandings, ultimately i could still manage to prompt some relief.

i'm enjoying myself for the moment. packing up the proper gear for a different level.

it'll be a new battlefield in the future.


latest musing of Etchie at 01:19


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