
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

career shi(f)t...

a realization from Dodo's blog:

The secret to finding your bliss is not merely to know what makes you happiest doing and doing it.

It's to realize that what makes you happiest doing is not likely to pay much. Or at all.

(sorry for plagiarizing, pre - - - i'm trying to make a point, hehe)

and from a comment i posted in his blog: we live in contradictions.

yep. i think contradictions are what push us to strive. the endgame could be different. and could still be the same. doesn't matter. life is hard. it should be. or else we wouldn't be working our asses off. and the world would merely be a mundane slab of earth.

i'm done with writing. to believe that it could get me off the 9-6 job is fantasy. now that i'm twenty-seven and time is rapidly kicking off in high gear.

i may not love what i'm doing- - -a career shift is entirely out of the question- - -but as long as the paycheck takes care of the bills, i'm not complaining.

oh, yeah. i'm still waiting for a reply from Disney on my job application...

latest musing of Etchie at 22:32 0 comments

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