
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

disappearing act

seems that i've been updating this blog once a month. and i don't care.

seems that writing- - -be it a short fiction, or merely as a minute entry in this journal- - - had become one tedious activity. i had somehow associated it with working out and cross-training or anything that results in physical stress. i know the metaphors exaggerate however i could not actually fathom the idea that squeezing your mental juices to put in a blank pad of paper (or an empty microsoft word document) had morphed to something exhausting.

the last time i did write something was two years ago. back when i'm languishing at a government institution in Manila. four short fictions and three unfinished ones, several film reviews of those that i've seen in dvds and two attempts at breaking the deadlock in blog-writing: blogger and live journal. it's obvious that i've broken the stalemate between the two and junked the other one (you could still visit the forgotten site by clicking on this link).

anyway, it's going to be a month since i last posted an entry here. my interests had gradually shifted from loving the words to seeing the world differently. images clung on shutters and apertures, obliterated the sentences and paragraphs like a big-bang in space. i don't know.

one thing, though. i lost my laptop. i bade farewell to my apple powerbook a week ago. somebody with itchy fingers decided to soothe the itch by stealing my notebook. a small fragment of my entirety was taken together with it- - -fiction and reviews that i wrote, pictures and music- - -everything vanished as if a bubble burst. i'm in the process of saving up for another one, anyway. i know, it's a struggle, but i believe i can. think of it as a challenge.

speaking of challenges, maybe someone or something can help me get back on track again...

latest musing of Etchie at 11:38


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