
Sunday, March 27, 2005

the short good friday

didn't know it was good friday if not a for a reminder from an internet site that generates holidays corresponding to the country you lived in.

as usual. woke up late. stayed up til 3 in the morning running with Neil Patrick Harris on a Doogie Howser marathon on dvd. finished up the night (or you might say, dawn) curled up with James Ellroy on his memoir.

it's quite unusual though. this was the first good friday i missed in my twenty-five years of earthly existence, not counting the time my wife's family trekked to Pangasinan as part of their annual tradition which i was left without any option but to join the fray.

there's this certain inexplicable feeling of isolation. a thousand miles away, counting chickens that yet to be hatched, incessantly reminding oneself of the purpose of the decision.

good fridays are days of sacrifices. let us remember that analogy. good friday would not be a good friday if not for the same reason that day was consecrated...

Someone gave up His life for our transgressions.

latest musing of Etchie at 10:45


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