
Wednesday, December 08, 2004


it's nice to have some people you know try to correspond anyway they can. however, the downside is they make the homesickness recur. and it's difficult to surmise that you're thousands of miles away, slapping the fact that you're here for good. unless you can gather enough money for a ticket home.

yeah. i miss Manila. all the squalor of that third world city. carbon monoxide fumes and gridlocked thorougfares. hoping, in anyway, to liberate itself from such degradation. beyond all the derogatory euphemisms, my heart goes where I came from. some patriotic shit, I know.

this will be my first christmas away from home.

trapped in a black and white world. wandering. diverting.

out of reach.

latest musing of Etchie at 16:55


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