
Wednesday, December 01, 2004


I've decided to put up a virtual photo album or photoblog or phlog, whatever. You can access the site by clicking the link under Connections (on the right hand side of the page, just below the Blogger icon) or you can direct the pointer here.

I'm still in the process of uploading images in the phlog, mostly our mini-excursion to Disneyworld a couple of weeks ago. There's nothing much to see, though, and you'll just waste your precious time perusing over a handful of photographs which will eventually be deleted by me, as soon as I filled up the space the server allows.

The phlog also serves us a wastebasket of images that I supposedly planned on putting up here (on this blog), but decided not to because I don't have the necessary software nor the knowledge of incorporating graphic files in the journal itself. The picture you oftentimes see below (or at the archive page of this blog) was simply a trial and error thing--used with the Hello software I could not quite understand how it works though--and I'm having this strange fixation of not deleting it. For vanity purposes it may serve, anyway.

latest musing of Etchie at 14:17


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Location: Orlando, Florida

Eccentric. Frivolous. Flexible. Tempestuous. Hyperactive. Thinker. Wanderer. Couch Potato. Lethargic. Insensitive. Repressive. Vain.

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