
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

giving head.

(no, it's not what you think. the subliminality is obvious, but i take credit for coming up with ludicruously-composed title posts. haha).

so then. let's get on with it.

i've been ruminating of putting up a personal homepage. one that i'll probably see as an outlet of sort. that in my current state of between-jobs, would be exceedingly productive than bumming around. the culture freak has hit the brick wall and the dwindling supply is in imminent peril of depletion.

to compensate, is my attempt at self-worth.

so far, i'm dreamweaver-less. and this is the only thing that somehow, managed to get through:

it's a tentative header. i might try to upload a few more if ideas come up. i'll be particularly elated if you guys could chip in. suggestions. violent reactions. recommendations. and stuffs that make light bulbs flicker are always appreciated...

...and oh. i still don't smoke. it's bad for my health.


latest musing of Etchie at 11:21


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Location: Orlando, Florida

Eccentric. Frivolous. Flexible. Tempestuous. Hyperactive. Thinker. Wanderer. Couch Potato. Lethargic. Insensitive. Repressive. Vain.

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