
Friday, June 03, 2005


got back from one of those hail-to-heavens meeting that we were coerced to participate.

feigned spirituality and all that crap. still, i'm the penultimate debunker. quoted ayn rand, bertrand russell and emanuel kant. played with einstein on the beach. yep. fucked with the language. threw english phrases like spewing lead off a vickers aircooled machine gun. eventually sputtered off. leveled the enemy. or what's left of them. crawled through the barbed wire fence of trying-to-be's.

call me a negligent catholic. yes. i admit i am. cringed at the thought of immersing in the same tub as they are. i would've drowned. saved by a lifebelt of philosophical idealogies.

the wifey made a discovery. monetary indulgence or eternal damnation? jose rizal's recalcitrance evidently has proved a point.

religion, as it turned out, is indeed, a lucrative business.

having qualms on continuing what we left off.

God would love us for what we are. not on what we're trying to be that we're not.

latest musing of Etchie at 23:12


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