
Friday, June 03, 2005

blog day

my blog turned one today. technically.

actually, i started blogging a year before i decided to have my public journal go public. a year before i hooked up again on blogger. a year before i decided to dump my previous blogger blog and livejournal.

started out with wedged world. merely because it came up as a perfect tag to my overused forum nick. dumped it.

then, it was musings of a freelance bum. which turned out as a personal offense.

so, i ended up with no smoking joint. a personal preference since i don't smoke.

a blogday wish: fuck with the language and blog frequently.

heehee. happy blogday to me.

latest musing of Etchie at 12:30


Blogger joes said...

thought you were talking about a marijuana joint that's too good to be lit up. hehehehe. guess your blog title works on more than one level.

10:08 AM  

Blogger Etchie said...

hehe. let's just say it's a subtle contumacy to those who puff nicotine by-products in my face...

hm. well, it can be both, though.

10:53 AM  

Blogger dodo dayao said...

Happy first, etchie. Welcome to the geezers' club. :-)

5:53 AM  

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